Incoming Freshmen

Congratulations on your NROTC Scholarship and assignment to the NROTC Unit at Georgia Tech!

Please review the Commanding Officer’s Welcome Aboard Letter and Enclosures (1) and (2) to determine what paperwork is required prior to entry into the NROTC Battalion here at Georgia Tech.

CO Welcome Aboard Letter

List of Enclosures

Enclosure (1) Supplemental Information Rev A

All paperwork must be filled out and mailed to the unit before your arrival at Georgia Tech. Submit the required paperwork postmarked not later than 15 July 2019. If you have any questions, email them to or

Mail completed paperwork to:

Freshmen Advisor
NROTC Atlanta Region
225 North Avenue NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0125


Complete, Sign and Return:

Read (will be signed when you report to the unit):

Students should be prepared to complete and excel at the Navy PFA (Marine PFT for Marine scholarship candidates).


The Navy PFA consists of two minutes of situps, two minutes of pushups, and a 1.5 mile run. Students must receive at least a ‘Good Low’ for the 20-24 age bracket in every category, though all students are expected to exceed this standard. Scholarships will not be activated if the student fails the PFA or does not meet physical standards. This means that their tuition will not be paid by the scholarship until they meet the standards. It is important that students prepare themselves physically for New Student Orientation to avoid any issues!

In order to activate their scholarship, Marine Option midshipmen and MECEPs must obtain a (Physical Fitness Test) PFT score of 200 in their age group as outlined in MCBUL 6100 DTD 15DEC16. 
Marine Corps PFT consists of:
  • Event 1- Max Pull Ups in 2 minutes without dropping from the bar.  Push-ups are authorized, but the max score you can receive is 70 points on this event while doing pushups.
  • Event 2- Max Crunches in 2 minutes.
  • Event 3- Timed 3 mile run.  
Although not required, it is recommended that Marine Option students maintain a PFT score of 265 or higher to successfully complete the 6-week OCS course after their junior year.  The Combat Fitness Test (CFT) minimum score is 235.

All students must meet the applicable standard above during their First Class year in order to commission.

All students are expected to improve their level of physical readiness achievement as they progress through the program.

 Go to this link for questions regarding scoring for each age group

Contact Information:

Navy Freshman Advisor: LT James Vangel,

Marine Officer Instructor: Capt Noah Joseph,